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Workflow Type

AFLOW Prototypes

Encyclopedia of Crystallographic Prototypes from the Automatic-FLOW for Materials Discovery

Source Website Cite API JSON Python-client

Filter Results:

Filter mix-ins: ['Structure']

Extra filters: ['mineral_name', 'aflow_id', 'pearson_symbol', 'strukturbericht_symbol', 'nsites_wyckoff__range']

Multiple values may be separated by commas.

Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.

By Extra Info:

Search Results:

ID Dashboards Full Formula Spacegroup Density
253 simmate / provider V2 Ir2 65 14.319
218 simmate / provider Si46 223 1.932
109 simmate / provider V4 Zn5 139 6.896
255 simmate / provider Si3 O6 180 2.534
111 simmate / provider Li2 B2 C2 194 2.135
182 simmate / provider Pb2 Cl2 F2 129 7.099
74 simmate / provider Fe4 B4 62 6.748
256 simmate / provider Re1 O3 221 7.470
1 simmate / provider Hg3 S3 154 8.203
220 simmate / provider Bi2 Te3 166 7.931
4 simmate / provider Ga1 As1 44 7.736
73 simmate / provider Po1 221 9.359