Table mix-ins: ['Structure']
Extra columns: ['mineral_name', 'aflow_id', 'pearson_symbol', 'strukturbericht_symbol', 'nsites_wyckoff']
Base Information:
- Database Entry ID: 182
- Created at: Sept. 4, 2022, 2:35 p.m.
- Last updated at: Sept. 4, 2022, 2:35 p.m.
- Input Source: AFLOW Prototypes
- Number of sites: 6
- Number of elements: 3
- Element list: ['Pb', 'Cl', 'F']
- Chemical System: Cl-F-Pb
- Density: 7.099376159528672
- Atomic Density: 0.04901954512695451
- Unit Cell Volume: 122.40015660000003
- Molar Volume: 12.285182868187388
- Full Formula: Pb2 Cl2 F2
- Reduced Formula: PbClF
- Formula Anonymous: ABC
- Spacegroup Number: 129
- Spacegroup Symbol: P4/nmm1
- Crystal System: tetragonal
- Pointgroup: 4/mmm