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Workflow Type

AFLOW Prototypes

Encyclopedia of Crystallographic Prototypes from the Automatic-FLOW for Materials Discovery

Source Website Cite API JSON Python-client

Filter Results:

Filter mix-ins: ['Structure']

Extra filters: ['mineral_name', 'aflow_id', 'pearson_symbol', 'strukturbericht_symbol', 'nsites_wyckoff__range']

Multiple values may be separated by commas.

Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.

By Extra Info:

Search Results:

ID Dashboards Full Formula Spacegroup Density
285 simmate / provider Mg1 Al1 B4 191 2.914
99 simmate / provider Ag8 Se4 19 8.239
98 simmate / provider Zn16 Cu10 217 8.014
30 simmate / provider Cr1 Fe18 Ni8 225 8.612
137 simmate / provider Np4 129 19.376
175 simmate / provider P4 64 2.708
68 simmate / provider Cr1 Fe27 Ni3 Mo1 221 8.718
136 simmate / provider Ge4 S4 62 4.274
284 simmate / provider Si4 C4 186 3.213
174 simmate / provider Na1 Cr1 S2 166 3.268
283 simmate / provider As2 166 5.832
173 simmate / provider Na1 Cl1 225 2.165