Runs a rough VASP static energy calculation.
Quality 04
relates to our ranking of relaxation qualities, where this
calculation uses the same settings as the Quality04Relaxation.
Note, even though this is currently our highest quality preset, these settings are still only suitable for high-throughput calculations or massive supercells. Settings are still below MIT and Materials Project quality.
Most commonly, this is used in evolutionary searches (for structure prediction). We recommend instead using the relaxation/staged workflow, which uses this calculation as the sixth and final step -- after a series of rough relaxations are done.
Read through our our parameter documentation for more information.
Filter mix-ins: ['Structure', 'Thermodynamics', 'Forces', 'Calculation']
Extra filters: ['band_gap__range', 'is_gap_direct', 'energy_fermi__range', 'conduction_band_minimum__range', 'valence_band_maximum__range']