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Workflow Results


Submit New Run API JSON Python-client


This task is a reimplementation of pymatgen's MPHSERelaxSet but converted to a static energy calculation. The pymatgen library doesn't not have an HSE static energy, so this is the make-shift alternative.

Required Parameters:

  • structure

All Parameters:

  • angle_tolerance
  • command
  • compress_output
  • directory
  • is_restart
  • run_id
  • source
  • standardize_structure
  • structure
  • symmetry_precision

Read through our our parameter documentation for more information.


Filter Results:

Filter mix-ins: ['Structure', 'Thermodynamics', 'Forces', 'Calculation']

Extra filters: ['band_gap__range', 'is_gap_direct', 'energy_fermi__range', 'conduction_band_minimum__range', 'valence_band_maximum__range']

Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.

Multiple values may be separated by commas.

Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.

Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.

Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.

WARNING: even though some static energy calculations provide this information, these values are very rough estimates.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.

By Extra Info:

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