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Entry Data

Table mix-ins: ['Structure', 'Thermodynamics'] Extra columns: ['energy_uncorrected', 'band_gap', 'is_gap_direct', 'is_magnetic', 'total_magnetization', 'is_theoretical']

Base Information:

  • Database Entry ID: mp-556951
  • Created at: Sept. 4, 2022, 2:47 p.m.
  • Last updated at: Nov. 28, 2021, 1:38 a.m.
  • Input Source: Materials Project


  • Number of sites: 88
  • Number of elements: 5
  • Element list: ['Cu', 'H', 'C', 'N', 'O']
  • Chemical System: C-Cu-H-N-O
  • Density: 2.3746877637373185
  • Atomic Density: 0.09330481840288254
  • Unit Cell Volume: 943.1452898822783
  • Molar Volume: 6.454265560002369
  • Full Formula: Cu8 H24 C16 N8 O32
  • Reduced Formula: CuH3C2NO4
  • Formula Anonymous: ABC2D3E4
  • Spacegroup Number: 61
  • Spacegroup Symbol: Pbca
  • Crystal System: orthorhombic
  • Pointgroup: mmm


  • Final energy: -579.60439144
  • Final energy per atom: -6.586413539090909
  • Energy above hull: None
  • Is thermodynamically stable?: None
  • Decomposes to: None
  • Formation energy None
  • Formation energy per atom: None
Note: stabilities and hull energies are updated on a running schedule, so newer materials may have these fields blank.