Table mix-ins: ['Structure', 'Thermodynamics']
Extra columns: ['energy_uncorrected', 'band_gap', 'is_gap_direct', 'is_magnetic', 'total_magnetization', 'is_theoretical']
Base Information:
- Database Entry ID: mp-1207223
- Created at: Sept. 4, 2022, 2:41 p.m.
- Last updated at: Nov. 28, 2021, 1:35 a.m.
- Input Source: Materials Project
- Number of sites: 9
- Number of elements: 3
- Element list: ['Zr', 'Zn', 'Ge']
- Chemical System: Ge-Zn-Zr
- Density: 7.149064291255377
- Atomic Density: 0.05633372199836997
- Unit Cell Volume: 159.76221134936577
- Molar Volume: 10.69011694305278
- Full Formula: Zr3 Zn3 Ge3
- Reduced Formula: ZrZnGe
- Formula Anonymous: ABC
- Spacegroup Number: 189
- Spacegroup Symbol: P-62m
- Crystal System: hexagonal
- Pointgroup: -62m