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Workflow Type

Materials Project

The Materials Project at Berkeley National Labs

Source Website Cite API JSON Python-client

Filter Results:

Filter mix-ins: ['Structure', 'Thermodynamics']

Extra filters: ['energy_uncorrected__range', 'band_gap__range', 'is_gap_direct', 'is_magnetic', 'total_magnetization__range', 'is_theoretical']

Multiple values may be separated by commas.

Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.

Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.
Multiple values may be separated by commas.

By Extra Info:

Search Results:

ID Dashboards Full Formula Spacegroup Density
mp-775805 simmate / provider Zr8 N8 O4 5 5.660
mp-756054 simmate / provider Zr8 N8 O4 6 6.491
mp-776201 simmate / provider Zr8 N8 O4 12 5.154
mp-776235 simmate / provider Zr8 N8 O4 62 6.240
mp-755205 simmate / provider Zr8 N8 O4 8 6.122
mp-756029 simmate / provider Zr8 N8 O4 1 5.672
mp-755576 simmate / provider Zr8 N8 O4 62 6.483
mp-540755 simmate / provider Zr8 Nb12 Ge16 62 7.682
mp-1215372 simmate / provider Zr8 Nb2 Al6 12 5.598
mp-1105702 simmate / provider Zr8 Nb2 Ga6 140 7.075
mp-541909 simmate / provider Zr8 Ni12 P12 62 6.643
mp-1207489 simmate / provider Zr8 Ni2 227 5.961